Created by Stephen 3 years ago

When my wife Alison and I moved to Reading in the mid eighties and met the Camfield's, they treated us like family and we spent many happy days and evenings with them all. We have some lovely memories of John, but the one that will always make me smile and miss him, is the afternoon I popped in for a cup of tea with Pam. John was particularly protective of the Cake Pam used to make him to take to work. Because John was at work, Pam offered me a piece of his cake, to have with my tea, which I of course accepted. There I was, happily munching away, when suddenly the front door opened and John walked in. I stuffed the remainder of the cake in my mouth, unable to speak, crumbs falling out, as John walked into the Kitchen.

The game was up, caught red handed and for a moment John didn't smile, until I burst out laughing, we all  did eventually.

John did forgive me

We'll never forget you John, you and Pam were very good to us and our daughter Danielle 

Rest in Peace, our friend John